Homeowners often ask questions about getting hazard insurance, while overlooking the importance of a home warranty policy. Robert Murray is an account executive in the Home Warranty Industry. When asked about the importance of a home warranty plan, here’s what he had to say.
Home Warranty nowadays, is a very important aspect of the home buying process; unfortunately in this market, home warranty is rarely thought of because, 1) Sellers may forgo providing this crucial agreement to the buyer, 2) Buyers may request another benefit even when sellers offer a policy as part of their agreement. A home warranty plan needs to be offered on every transaction, as it can reduce liability for everyone involved.
Furthermore, home warranty plans can save consumers money after using funds for their down payment and closing costs. Ultimately your home warranty plan is in place to cover the service, repair, or replacement of your major home systems and appliances. This saves policyholders thousands of dollars should the HVAC, plumbing, or electrical systems fail during the term of the policy. In case you’re wondering, yes, there are options to renew your policy and keep it in place for future claims.
Robert Murray
Account Executive
T: 800.282.7131 Ext. 1463 | C: 404.291.7391
Old Republic Home Protection | Old Republic Insurance Group